Who Is SAS?

It is a beautiful thing when you find your own strength, your own power and when you know, not wonder, not hope, not guess, but know that you are SAS…Strong and Sexy.
The team at SAS consists of three hearts that feel like one.  We are sisters launching a worldwide redefinition of Sexy.
What is Sexy? It is the girl that has been ridiculed all her life but was not limited but someone’s perception of who she is.  Sexy is the girl that was born in poverty, but went to college, graduated and found herself in the C Suite.
Sexy is the high school drop out that has worked her way to the top.
Sexy is also the teenager who decided that failure is not an option.  However, if we do fail, we never give up.   Who stays up to study and does her best to get the best grades possible because nothing but her best will do.
Sexy is the single mom whos focus is on her children.  The doctor who has sacrificed years to attend medical school to be the best of herself.
Sexy is the girl who dreamed big, then someone told her her dream is not big enough.  She was encouraged to dream bigger and SAS was born.  Come with us on the journey as we help women to love and embrace themselves. To dream bigger and to unleash the SAS within.